In Time - Starring JT, The Chick from Mean Girls (Not LiLo or the Bitchy one. No not the hot one either, I think she played the dumb one...), Scarecrow, That dude from Mad men, and that little dude from Big bang theory.
This movie is a pretty good example what Hollywood is capable of producing ON AVERAGE. (Okay this movie may be slightly above average when it comes to normal Hollywood crap) I did enjoy it. More than I thought I would, that's for sure. I was never bored and never thought that anything was particularly ridiculous.
The movie leans pretty heavily on it's own concept (what if time was the new currency, and when you run out you die?), but that's not really a bad thing. The movie centers around Will Salas (JT), who struggles daily to keep enough time on his "clock" for him and his Mother (Oliva Wilde to survive the ghetto they live in. (The "Clock" is on your left forearm, so people can look at their Clock like it's a watch. Kinda cute.) After saving the life of a mysterious (and filthy rich) stranger (played by some dude I kinda recognized but couldn't really put my finger on it), The stranger, tired of his lavish, rich, mundane lifestyle decides he's had enough and donates the remaining 100 years left on his clock (a significant amount considering at this point in the movie we haven't seen anyone with more than a couple days on their clock). From here, JT gets chased and shit and has to deal with some stuff. He meets a girl ETC... (all this is in the trailer).
The movie doesn't disappoint, but it doesn't overly impress either. Plot-wise, It doesn't take too many risks. It's nothing overly innovative. Just a typical Hollywood thriller with a cool Sci-fi backdrop.
I was actually pretty impressed with Amanda Seyfried (besides a hideously fake wig). Not that I hate her or anything but she has a couple moments in the movie were she's pretty bad ass. JT was also fine. He's certainly coming into his own as an actor. Now, he's no Will Smith when it comes to the action/thriller genre but I could see him doing a couple more films of this genre in the future.
My major beef with the flick is how JT gets out of situatuions too easily. Why is it that every joe schmoe in movies like this are fucking Jason Bourne? Is it really necessary that the main character is not only the smartest, most clever guy in the room, but he's also a crazy good fighter/martial arts guy? It's not a huge deal, and most of the fight scenes were pretty cool, I'd just like to see him struggle a bit more.
Cillian Murphy was also pretty sweet. A more or less typical cold, by the book villain. But it worked.
My favorite part of the movie was Alex Pettyfer. I didn't know too much about this guy, other then he was in I am number four and Beastly (both of which looked god-awful), but he really impressed me.He stole the show in basically each scene he was in. He looked a little bulkier than he did in the two movies I mentioned above and it gave him a somewhat more intimidating appeal. I could easily see him stepping away from the Teen driven dribble he's been cast in and play a real bad ass villain in the near future.
This was not the Director's (Andrew Niccol) best work. Better known for Lord of War or a similar sci-fi movie, Gattaca. But there was a certain confidence and knowledge of the genre about the film that really gave it a leg up.
The movie was by no means perfect, but it was a decent thriller with a very interesting setting. I mean, everyone is suppose to be 25 years old. The screen is constantly filled with random hot young people, so that's cool. The romantic sub-plot between JT and Seyfried was surprisingly realistic and considerably natural. There were some wasted performances considering how big the cast was (particularly Olivia Wilde and Johnny Galecki) but all in all it was a fine flick.
Go see this is you like sci-fi action thrillers and hot young actors.
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