Monday, March 14, 2011

I hate it when my iblogforawebsite shares get diluted down to 0.03%

The title is a reference to a film I think deserved best picture.

what I enjoy more about this budding website is that my partners (40% business, 60% sexual) are very open minded.

which I think is the most important thing when it comes to blogging, even more so when you are blogging about pop culture, reviewing movies and such. I'm not passing my opinions off as fact, I'm just sharing who ever reads such a post, something I found rad.

I bring this up because the movie I'm about to review is pretty controversial.

This flick is directed by Kim Ji-Woon, which is his followup to The Good The Bad The Weird, which is a hilarious and badass South Korean western film, actually if you haven't peeped that flick, and you're in for something new, pick it up. totally worth it.

But I Saw The Devil follows Kyung-Chul who is the definition of batshit, hacking up women and what not. He murders a pregnant woman named Joo-Yun, who is the daughter of a retired police chief, and the fiance of Soo-Hyun.

The story is pretty much about what happens when you fuck with the wrong people, because what ensues is one of the most fucked up vengeance story I've ever laid my virgin eyes upon.

Soo-Hyun is a top secret agent, and puts the law into his own hands, when he tracks down Kyung-Chul and basically gets revenge by beating him half to death every chance he gets. It raises the question "who is the real monster here".

Kinda a tough watch, there is a beautifully shot scene involving about 63 stabbings, and a revolve around a moving vehicle, amazing cinematography.

In short I guess I can say the movie is a bloody good time.

I Saw The Devil: 4 Fingers out of a Possible Fist.

I was worried about what my second entry was going to be, be it another review, or something different. as you can see I've decided to review another movie that is under the radar. I contemplated writing my top 10 favourite movies of all time. But I think that would involve going Leo deep into a labyrinth of memories I have, maybe binge drinking in the forrest for three days. Coming up with a top 10 list would be pretty difficult for me, for I'm an indecisive lil' bitch.

My next post will be far more vast in the subjects I talk about. I just though I'd introduce myself first:

I'm Mitch, and I blog for this website. Look out for my new internet sketch comedy group soon, you can follow me on twitter:!/TheSaddleback. Or you can join my fan club on Facebook for standup info, videos, and things I enjoy: (basically it's me whoring myself out)

but for now, courage.

- mitch.

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