Thursday, April 14, 2011

Trash talk #3 - Has insidious saved the horror genre

Finally the dark pit that is the box office every year around mid January until about early April has ended. I’m not a tough critic (To be fair, I‘m not really a critic at all). I don’t hibernate every year around this time until the summer blockbuster season starts like some. But I will be honest when I say that the new year rarely brings me anything a really enjoy. This year, I had to wait all the way until April 9th, when I finally saw a movie I’d been pretty excited about. That movie was Insidious.

I really need a system of ranking movies some how. I’m not just gonna whip out the two thumbs or five stars or whatever that garbage is. When I think on one, or somebody else gives me a good one I’ll start using them. Until then you’ll have to deal with me saying if it’s good or bad or whatever.

As I’m a stickler for spoilers, (It was ruined to me that Sirius Black dies at the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) I’m going to try and avoid them as much as possible. Shit, didn’t I just spoil the end of that book.. And movie? Oh well, too late to back track now. What’s laid is played and all that.

Insidious is the latest horror film from director/writer team of James Wan and Leigh Whannel. Known best for the creation of Saw, (the first, not any of the ridiculous sequels). To sum up this bad boy, it’s about a couple (played by a super hero and a soon to be super hero, AKA Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne) who move their family into a new home (Original, right? Don‘t worry it gets better) and then there son mysterious slips into an unexplainable coma. Then some scary shit happens and blah blah I don‘t want to ruin it. Anyways, damn was this good. This movie had authentic, surprising scares. It used some typical genre cliché’s and used them in a new way. It had beautiful score that was reminiscent of Bernard Herman. It dragged a bit around the middle of the story but it made up for it with a kick ass ending. Overall, not a perfect film. But it’s a step in the write direction of Original Horror films. I’m not against remakes. I’m just against shitty remakes, which we have plenty of.

As for answering the ambitious title. The movie has made roughly 30 million dollars in two weeks. Coming from a estimated budget of 1.5 million dollars. 20x your money in two weeks will hopefully be enough to inspire the studious to make more films like this. As for now I’m eagerly awaiting Scream 4, or if you prefer Scre4m. Here’s hoping Wes knocks it right out of the park.

Until next time, thanks for reading,

This is just me talking trash.

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