Saturday, March 12, 2011

What I listen to (top5)

I'm generally not one to name my top 5 bands very often, mostly because I prefer them to change. But I guess as I get older, I get more set in my ways. The more I love the bands I grew up with, and the less inclined I am to listen to newer music. It's not that I'm against new music (nothing new is new anyways). It's that I want something unique and new. My grandfather truly loves most of the bands I'm die hard about (he's particularly fond of Godsmack and Pearl Jam). Anyway, if there is a magic formula to what I love musically, I don't know what it is. Generally speaking I like rock. Hard, soft, Pop, whatever, I love all kinds of it. I like rap, I like hip hop, I even dabble in a bit of Country every now and then. But these bands best represent my current spectrum of music, and what it covers. In order:

Top 5 bands:

1. H.I.M

Anyone whose even talked to me knows my favorite band, even if they don't know them by name. I love everything this band has ever done, so much is my faith that this band will never ever do anything that sleights against me, that I have emblazoned my body with their symbol. The Heartagram on my right forearm. I was introduced to them around the 8th grade, my grandparents up north had an exchange student who had a bootleg of a live show where they played, doing Ozzy covers. Which is what they first started out with (H.I.M. Stands for "His Infernal Majesty" a reference to the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne.) From that moment on, I loved them. I did as much research as I could (only having dial up internet at the time, and with limited items available online at that point.) It wasn't until CKY, where Bam Margera and friends filmed themselves doing retarded shit (the precursor to Jackass) that I had heard more than a few songs from Napster and the bootleg I had.

When I heard Greatest Love Songs 666, I knew then I'd found the band that I related to, at least musically. This would be the sound that defined my love. It wasn't as abrasive as Deftones and Korn, two other huge favorites of mine at the time. But not as soft as say... well, let's just say Savage Garden, since up until about grade 7, I was in a very strict Oldies or candy-pop sound. When Razorblade Romance came on the scene, I managed to get it in Vinyl. The CDs were still ridiculously expensive as well (40 bucks a CD as it was an import). It never stopped me. Razorblade Romance to this Day still ranks Number 1 in my Top Albums of all time.

I've said a lot about HIM. They definitely belong as number 1.

2. Pearl Jam

The next band that I don't think I would be the person I am without is Pearl Jam. I was late on the Pearl Jam (and grunge in general) bandwagon. But when I was in highschool, and just beginning to explore music, along with my heavy nu-metal likes, Pearl Jam was part of a new way of considering music. The passion Eddy put into the music and lyrics made me yearn. I felt what he was singing. Pearl Jam remains a favorite, and probably always will.

3. Boysetsfire.

I have a lot to say about this band. Every album I've listened to, ever song, every note seems to resonate with pure agony of an unsatisfied existence. They are truly one of the under sung bands of my lifetime. Tomorrow Come Today is still one of my go to albums when I'm not sure what I'm feeling or listen to. More over, it inspires me. I listen to it when I write. If you've never heard of this band, do yourself a favor, and give them a listen. Rise, My life in the Knife Trade, Bathory's Sainthood. All these songs. do it.

4. Bad Religion

This is another band I was "late" to the party for. I didn't discover them until I started working at HMV. Working in the metal room allowed me to listen to something a little less ear friendly. So I popped in "Fuck Armeggedon, this is Hell." and from that point on, I'd put money into collecting their entire catalogue. Songs like You, 21st Century Boy, My Computer make me think.

5. Godsmack

I don't know what it is, maybe its because The violent emotions evoked by the music, maybe it's the fact that I've met Sully twice, and despite his angry lyrics, he's is genuinely a nice guy. Their first album to now, they've had close to the same sound, with only minor changes to the formula, some bands would have stagnated, but each album seems to be fueled by some beef, and I think that's why it works so well. Godsmack will be a band I will always be able to listen to.

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