Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Enter The Mitch

As I proceed with my first post, I first off want to explain my rating system.
much like the 5 stars, I will be giving fingers. When I really enjoy the movie I'm reviewing, an entire fist is in order.

That is only when I find the film as powerful as Ray Liotta's eyelashes.

If I were to review Gaspar Noe's "Enter The Void" I would give it 3 finger's out of a possible fist.

As much as I loved the movie I probably wouldn't fist it, maybe just take it on a few dates and leave it's number in my phone as "booty call" , I think it was quite possibly the most visually pleasing films of 2010. I really found myself feeling the length of the flick's 161 minute running time. With scenes like the close up penis ejaculating shot, you may wonder why certain things weren't cut out of the final picture. (not saying I have anything against penis shots)

You shouldn't keep a distance from this flick, I think it's one of those special movies that only comes around once and a while. I just think the novelty of what I was seeing wore off after the first hour or so. My point remains on the side lines though, if you haven't seen this flick, pick up the Blu, turn out the lights, and turn it up you are in for a treat, it's beautifully depressing.

ENTER THE VOID: 3 Fingers In.

aside from that I'm somewhat pissed Tron Legacy wasn't nominated for an Oscar in visuals. some bull shit up in this piece.



  1. I'd like to enter the mitch. *rimshot*

  2. Also, when tagging ,use commas to separate your tags.

  3. I'll remember that (concerning both comments)
